annyeong haseo ^^ chingu~ welcome to Lya's Blog, enjoy your time and don't forget to leave comment (@ Guest Book) ^^

LC Shoppe Korean Dress for you

15 Juli 2009

gw tu tergila2 bgd ama hp SAMSUNG anycall heptic nya
yg ada di flm BBF, uwh suka bgd gw m tU hp. . Touch screen,
tp. . Uch im dissapoint
cuz in indoNesia ga ada, uch
im so saD, rasanya pgen BGD GW ke korea,
lburan dsana, Bli Hp ItU, and bza ktmu LeE MIn ho. . Uch
pasti sneng bgd,
ahh ngayal aja dah,
tp w brhrP Bza ksana,
korea is one of another country im must to go to. .
Selain japan,spanyol,england
mudah2an trcpai
ya tUhaan

9 Juli 2009


yap... they are F4 in korean drama BOYS BEFORE FLOWER..

i like him. especially Lee min Ho as Gun Joon Pyo...

he looks cool, and so cute in film...

luve it forever...

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