Kompilasi foto-foto pertumbuhan tinggi badan Taemin SHINee menciptakan hits antara netizen.
Sejak debutnya di usia 16 tahun, dia dengan cepatnya menjadi dewasa dalam waktu singkat, paling gampangnya bisa dilihat dari foto SHINee dari waktu ke waktu. Tahun 2008, Taemin termasuk yang paling pendek, namun sekarang dia terlihat nyaris setinggi member tertinggi, Minho(181 cm).
Tahun ke tahun, selisih tinggi antara Minho dan Taemin jadi makin kecil, dan membuat fans memandangnya dengan perasaan ‘keibuan/kebapakan’.
Fans berkomentar, “Ini pertumbuhan eksplosif dari si maknae,” “Taemin, kau tidak juga berhenti tumbuh! Teruslah tumbuh!” dan “Jika dia terus begini, dia bisa melampaui tinggi badan Minho!”
ni link fotonya:http://koreanindo.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/shinee1.jpg
Compile photographs Taemin height growth SHINee create hits among netizens.
Since its debut at the age of 16, he quickly became an adult in a short time, most easily be seen from the photograph SHINee from time to time. In 2008, Taemin including the shortest, but now he looks almost as tall as the highest member, Minho (181 cm).
Year after year, the difference in height between the Minho and Taemin is getting smaller, and make the fans look at him with a feeling of 'motherly / fatherly'.
Fans commented, "This explosive growth of the maknae," "Taemin, you did not stop growing! Continue to grow! "And" If he continues like this, he can surpass the heights of Minho! "
This photo link:http://koreanindo.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/shinee1.jpg
source: Koreanindo, kpop fans club
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